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Peritoneal dialysis complications
What is Peritoneal Dialysis?
Peritoneal dialysis is a method of treatment for kidney failure that utilizes the abdomen’s lining or belly to remove blood from your body. Medical professionals refer to this as the peritoneum lining.
Just a few weeks before you begin dialysis for peritoneal a surgeon places a tube of soft material, also known as a catheter inside your stomach.
As you begin treatment, dialysis solutions -water containing salt and other ingredients–flows out of bags through the peritoneal dialysis catheter into your stomach. Once the bag is empty then you take it off and put a cap on the catheter so that you can move about and perform your usual activities. As the dialysis solution sits within your abdomen it sucks up the waste and fluids out of your body.
After a few hours the solution, as well as the wastes, are flushed out of your stomach into the empty bag. It is possible to dispose of the solution that was used up in the tub or toilet. After that, you begin with a new bag dialysis solution. If the solution is new it absorbs wastes rapidly. As time passes, filtering slows. Because of this, it is necessary to continue the process of emptying your used solution and filling your stomach with fresh solutions 4 to 6 times each day. This is known as an exchange.
Exchanges can be performed in the daytime, or at night with machines that pump the fluid into and out. To get the most effective outcomes, it is essential to complete all your exchanges according to the instructions. The process of dialysis in the abdomen will help you get better health and live longer, However, it’s not an effective treatment for kidney insufficiency.
In the majority of countries evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been centered largely upon the assessment of tiny solute clearances, often by measuring Kt/V Urea. It is important to recognize that the evidence that connects the survival of patients to the attainment of a particular Kt/V urea is at best weak.
How will you feel when the dialysis solution is inside your belly?
You might be feeling the same way as usual but you might feel bloated or full. Your belly might expand slightly. Certain people require a bigger dimension of their clothing. There shouldn’t be any discomfort. The majority of people appear and feel like they’re normal, despite having an empty stomach full of remedies.
What are the types of peritoneal dialysis?
You can choose the form of dialysis peritoneal that best matches your lifestyle:
- continuous daily ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
- Automated dialysis peritoneal
The primary differences between the two forms of peritoneal dialysis are
- The exchange schedule
- One uses a machine, and the other one is performed by hand
What are the possible complications with peritoneal dialysis?
One of the biggest complications of dialysis for peritoneal is infections. There is a risk of developing an inflammation of the skin around the peritoneal dialysis catheter’s exit site, or you may develop peritonitis an infection that affects the stomach fluid. Bacteria could enter your body via your peritoneal dialysis catheter when you disconnect or connect it from bags.
Get immediate medical attention if you show indications of infection
The signs of an infection at the exit site include pus, redness swelling or bulging, and pain or tenderness at the site of exit. Health specialists treat infections that affect the exit site by using antibiotics.
Peritonitis may cause
- abdominal pain
- The fever
- nausea or vomiting
- discomfort or redness around the catheter
- an unusual color or cloudiness in the solution used peritoneal dialysis solution
- the catheter cuff that pushes away from your body. The cuff is part of the catheter which holds it in its place
Health specialists treat peritonitis using antibiotics. Antibiotics are added to the peritoneal dialysis solution which you usually do at home. The quick treatment could prevent further issues.
A hernia is a region that is weak in the abdominal muscles.
Peritoneal dialysis raises the chance of having a hernia because of two reasons. The first is that you have an incision in the muscle to accommodate the catheter. Then pressure from dialysis fluid within your stomach puts pressure on your muscles. Hernias can be found near the belly button, close to the site of exit, and inside your groin. If you notice a swelling or a new lump in your belly or groin consult your physician.
Gain in weight from fluids and dextrose
The longer that the peritoneal dialysis solution is in your stomach the more dextrose that your body absorbs from dialysis solutions. This could lead to weight gain with time.
Limit weight gain
If you suffer from CAPD the possibility is that you will suffer from the prolonged time of night. If your body is absorbing excessively dextrose and fluid during the night, you may be able to utilize the cycler to change your solution a few times while you rest. This additional exchange can reduce the time you spend in bed, prevent your body from taking in excessive amounts of fluid and dextrose and also help to eliminate waste and excess fluid out of your body.
If you are using automated peritoneal dialysis you may take in too many solutions during the daytime exchange, which has the longest duration of stay. You might require an additional exchange during the afternoon to stop your body from taking in too much solution. It is also a way to eliminate more wastes and excess fluid out of your system.
Your dietitian will be able to provide advice on how to cut down on weight gain.
What are the indicators to tell when your peritoneal dialysis has been effective?
To determine if your dialysis exchanges are getting rid of enough wastes, you’ll undergo a urological test and then collect dialysis fluids that are used once a month. If you’re having trouble having to urinate regularly, you might need to take a sample of the urine.
These tests will help your doctor determine dialysis dosage and schedule to meet your health needs. If your dialysis plan isn’t enough to remove waste and your body may be taking in too much dextrose then your doctor may recommend adjustments. Find out more about peritoneal dialysis dose and the adequacy.
For Consultancy and scheduling the appointment please visit Riverside Nephrology, Nephrologist Dr. Khan always be there to consult you :